Last Day Of Autumn – Sigh . . . .

I cannot complain. I am enjoying the mild weather. But, I’ve heard we can expect snow for Christmas.

If the white stuff came and went by the 26th, I would be thrilled by the seasonal magic it would bring. But snow for me lost its charm once it no longer gave me an excuse to put the world on hold, a snow day that just meant I didn’t have to do something I didn’t want to. School snow days rocked.

But ever since I hit adulthood, despite never really growing up, snow days just mean another inconvenience. Something else I must deal with in order to keep functioning. Back in Riverdale, it meant getting out every couple of hours and shoveling my own and neighbors sidewalks, so that some person watching all of the legal ambulance chasers commercials on day-time television – when they really should have been out working – don’t decide to do a neighborhood walk-about just to slip and fall on your property. Soft tissue injuries are impossible to debunk, never mind the future PTSD claim the lawyers will throw in for good measure. And the Insurance companies always settle, rather than test a Bronx jury pool made up of the same people who are watching those same commercials.

Luckily, I have no sidewalks in front of my house. But, if the snow is substantial, and it can be, I still have to shovel out a long driveway to get to the road. And I need to regularly clear off my car – Lisa’s car is in the garage – and that means scraping windshields with shitty scrapers while your fingers freeze and you wonder where you left the latest pair of gloves your wife bought you last winter. And I do have to shovel the area around the Jack The Spruce magic grotto leading up to my front porch. That starts with the cement platform directly outside the garage and leads in around and up to the porch itself. You have to always provide a welcoming entrance for the Amazon delivery people.

So, am I excited to see the end of Autumn? Not really.

But the good news is that tomorrow is the Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year. The new season starts me off on my path to the longer days of Spring and Summer. And given my age, each day passes more quickly than the last – time is relative and each moment’s length is measured comparatively against your entire lifetime, so that 3 months seems a lot longer to a five year old than someone in their late sixties. The Spring Equinox will be here before I know it. A blink of these old eyes.

So, I’ll put up with another season of snow. As Spaghetti used to say, “What’s the use in kickin’?!”

I will embrace this last day of Autumn. I will take care of a few last minute out door chores that will be harder to deal with in the colder, snowier weather. I will double check the kitty bunker to make sure its heater is working. Same with the troughs and the barn.

This too shall pass.

So let’s get to it. It’s Hump Day.

I’m going to cuddle my kitties and do my rounds.

You fine, five readers get your skates on and attack the hump.

One more cuppa before hitting the breach.

Wave at Friday who is busily preparing that wonderful Christmas weekend ahead.

If you are Christmas traveling, I hope Autumn offers you a final day of nice weather to get you where you need to go. Safely.

And no matter what else we do, let us make today a great one.

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