Flowers On Boot Hill – A Little Sunshine Goes A Long Way

Yesterday, with the appearance of the first day of sunshine in quite a few days, Lisa decided to place the plastic and solar flowers that she had ordered around Jeter’s grave and the rest of Boot Hill. They had arrived a few days ago, but this was the first sunny day to warm the earth enough to be able to sink them into the ground.

Claire and Blue spotted Lisa at work and came over to see what was happening.

Blue has been spending a lot of time with Claire since Jeter’s passing.

Claire and Blue spent a few extra minutes in the Boot Hill cemetery in contemplative prayer for her fallen fur family as well as in appreciation of Lisa’s dash of bold color in the otherwise wintry backdrop.

Claire has also torn her winter coat, scratching on every tree she can intentionally brush up against, so we’ll switch it out later today with another coat when we halter her a little later for her and Honey’s mani-pedi.

But the mules made sure to get their naps in yesterday while the weather held.

The mules are not the only ones enjoying the little extra sunshine.

Mittens (Mike) the feral cat is happy to spend some contemplative time under The Old Man in the afternoon sun.

He may have realized that it is the watering hole for most birds in the area. Or he may just like the chimes.

You really need to get outside whenever you spot the sun, to avoid the Colorado cabin fever that can occur when a string of grey days just crushes the joy in you.

So, by the evening the solar lights were charged.

And by night they were beautiful.

Joined in a clear sky by God’s fingernail.

Well done Lisa (and God), I’m sure our ethereal fur family members, and the mules, were thrilled at the light show.

The dawn is coming so I must flee.

I have my kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

Then the farrier, and the weekly prep.

Outdoor chores tomorrow.

But I hope you fine, five readers get to sleep in just a little later this Saturday.

Then onto the last minute shopping for Christmas – don’t rely on next weekend.

And no matter what else we do, let us make today a great one.

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