The Little Things

Picked Lisa up from Denver International yesterday morning and brought her home. Poor girl was exhausted from a sad four days.

Luckily, Claire and Honey were out front waiting for us under the shade of The Old Man when we arrived back at Casa Claire. Honey was taking a nap. Claire, as is her way, remained on duty. Nodded solemnly.

Nice welcome home. It’s the little things that make life livable.

Of course, Jeter and Blue were overjoyed to see their mommy walk back through the door, almost toppling Lisa. Anyone who enters my home knows that they’re likely to be overwhelmed by such greetings.

You know you are home.

Got a little cheering up later with face-timing our now Aussie grand daughters. They all fought for Georgie’s iPhone to capture the attention of their Nona. They remain adorable and still have an American accent.

I would pipe in irreverently just to let them know I’m still lurking in the background.

Again, the little things.

Grabbed some Italian take-out, then sat around listening as Lisa recounted the highs and lows of her trip. I had to subjugate my attorney’s desire to follow-up or guide the narrative. I was there to listen, not learn. Losing anyone sucks. Losing the person you shared a womb with for 9 months, really sucks.

But as I listened, it was the little things that Lisa shared that resonated with me the most. And I was happy that she got to spend her time with her surviving siblings. Coffee, wine and meals shared. Walks taken. Distractions from the main event. The little things.

You see, it’s those little things that provide the cement that holds all the big things in place.

Well, it’s Friday. Always a good thing.

Let’s get out there and wrap those long weekend plans.

Pay attention to those little things.

The big things will take care of themselves.

I’m going to have that kitty cuddle, enjoy my rounds, hate my dreadmill.

Those little things.

And no matter what else we do today, let’s make it a great one.

3 Responses

  1. I’m happy to hear Lisa is back home safely with you. I’m so sorry for her loss but Thank God she got there in time and also had time with her family. I hope the both of you get to enjoy the weekend. The weather is beautiful here and I hope it’s the same out there.
    That’s a very important message in today’s blog for all of us to enjoy the little things.

  2. “Pay attention to those little things. The big things will take care of themselves”
    How true it is!!

    As a mom of triplets, I understand the multiples bond. Hope your wife is doing ok.🙁

  3. Sending love to you both. Be extra kind to Lisa as I know you will and just be there . listen and love is your assignment.

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