One Percent Inspiration . . . .

I cannot begin to explain why The Claire Trilogy continues to hold steady in the Top 10 of the Amazon Humorous Dark Comedy genre. It’s been my experience that it is fleeting, it usually only lasts an hour or so and then you fall back. But these last few weeks I’ve been on a run. And I thank the Universe, and my readers, and my publisher, for my good fortune. You all rock.

I can tell you that the inspiration for the story was my magic mule Claire. That I know.

The writing part required following a schedule. Every morning at 2 am.

I really did not know what I was doing when I sat down to write TWA, and approached it like one of my grandchildren coloring for the first time and not giving a shit about the lines. So, the writing itself was relatively easy. I just scribbled away. One word in front of the other. Happy in my innocence. I had such low expecations, I didn’t worry if the writing was any good. I just wanted to tell a story that would not stop bouncing around in my head. The one Claire reminded me of every day. I thought it would end up in a drawer until I was dead.

I remember back when I was younger, desperate to break into the writing world. My heart ached at every rejection. I felt trapped by my actual profession. Ridiculous, really. Because I belong to a noble profession. It has been good to me. I have the highest respect for all of its other practitioners.

So, over the years, that ache subsided. That dream disippated.

My wife and I raised our family to adulthood. Did our jobs.

Then I moved to Berthoud. Met and befriended Claire. Wrote a story. Another. Another. Another.

I am a journeyman. There is no genuis in my writing. I write like Slip Mahoney speaks – quickly and I often butcher the language.

But, based on the reviews, readers like my characters, and the insanity of my storylines, and so they forgive my typos and bad grammar. Thank you Claire.

The world is filled with extremely talented writers. I read my Twitter colleagues’ tweets and books and I am in awe, and often quite jealous. These other writers are out there every day, refining their craft, working the industry. I feel the pain of the young ones trying to break in. I try to be supportive and tell them that they must keep at it. Their chance will come. I’ve gotten to see some of them succeed, and that thrills me. It is such a tough world out there for a writer.

I know that if someone told me when I was in my twenties that I would never make it at something I was passionate about, it would have broken my heart. Given up. Where there is life, there’s hope. Never give up.

And, as it turns out, I got lucky.

I got an independant publishing house – Black Rose Writing – to take a chance on me.

Pure luck.

And that was all that I needed.

I cannot say enough good things about Reagan Rothe, the principal owner of BRW.

Reagan and I could not be more different. He is a gentleman. I am rough around the edges. And yet over these past few years we have become good friends.

As a relatively small operation, there is only so much BRW can do for its writers. But it does everything it can. And it does them well.

And the harder you work at promoting your books, the harder they work to support you.

But the marketing side of things is a second full time job.

That is where the 99% perspiration comes in.

Everyday you must get out on social media and sell yourself. Not your books. You, as a person. Get your name recognized. Familiar. Then people will find your books.

To do that properly, you must be kind and respectful to, and supportive of, all of the other writers out there. That’s easy for me because I remember each day just how lucky I am, and I am so grateful for that. So I try to pay it forward. A rising tide floats all boats.

The more writers writing, the more ways to get readers to read. Literature is like food. It nourishes the mind and soul. Once consumed, there is always a need for more of it.

So that’s my theory.

And here is another great discussion of the writer’s marketing side of publishing.

But now I need to get back to the real world.

Kitty to cuddle, rounds to make. Torture, and then paid torture.

But Monday is behind us so hope springs eternal.

You fine, five readers go out there and take care of your Tuesdays.

But most of all, have a great day.

3 Responses

  1. And all the readers said.. Amen!! Love your books and what you do for other writers!
    Because of the writers’ Twitterverse that somehow I ( a reader) got lucky enough to be a part of, I have expanded my reading universe and renewed my love of reading! I’m grateful for that. Love todays blog!

  2. Congratulations! I didn’t realize your writing dream went so far back.
    I once heard that luck is being prepared meets opportunity. That’s what you’ve found. You didn’t just sit around and poof this happened.
    Keep thinking those ideas and create book #5.

  3. Ladies, thanks for the vote of confidence. I so appreciate both of your invaluable support. And Yvette, keep kicking me in the ass until I start writing this summer. Then be prepared to read. You too, Renee. No good deed goes unpunished.

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